Friday, August 31, 2012

Stationary Trailers

More and more of my clients are purchasing smaller RV's to travel in and parking their larger RV's in one or two places per year. The insurance companies are getting REALLY picky about insuring these RV's full time in one spot and sometimes even two if one or both of the locations is in a state with a high weather related claims history. If you are planning to park your RV in one location for more than 6 months at a time, please contact me. There are several steps that I need to proceed through to make sure that your RV coverage is tailored to fit this type of usage. I have already had trailers located within 90 miles of the coast of TX declined so it's important to address this upfront. If you are not insured with me but have decided to park your RV for an extended period, please call your agent and notify them of the address where the RV will be located so they can get pre-approval from the insurance company.


  1. Hi,
    Will you please post a link to your Blog at The RV Living Community? Our members will love it.
    Members include: Full-Time RVers, Full-Time RV Experts and Enthusiasts, etc.
    It's easy to do, just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website. You can also add Articles, Photos, Videos and Classifieds if you like.
    Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
    Please feel free to share as often and as much as you like.
    The RV Living Community:
    I hope you consider sharing with us.
    Thank you,
    James Kaufman, Editor

  2. It's a great article for auto insurance. This is very helpful because I've been looking for a reliable and affordable Auto insurance company for my new car in Arizona area.

  3. Have you bought rv insurance in Calgary before? I am thinking about getting insurance for my RV but I don't know where to go. Your thoughts?
